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We are the center of excellence that the electricity industry relies on to provide services that safely mitigate risks, extend asset life and maintain safe and reliable operation.

Our passion is to provide innovative solutions that solve your toughest challenges.

Backed by our project management organization and specialized facilities, our diverse group of industry-leading experts provide a wide range of services such as safety and licensing, design and engineering, asset management, materials and component testing, forensics, tooling development and maintenance, and radioactive waste management.

Whether it's nuclear or renewable energy generation, transmission, and distribution, health and safety, or their supporting technologies, our knowledgeable team is here to offer reliable services you can count on at every stage of the electricity lifecycle.

People inspecting a reverse engineered component

Why Us?

Our People & Facilities

We are helping transform the energy industry for the better. Energy companies must be more efficient to succeed in today's evolving market. Backed by world-class facilities, our diverse team of industry-leading experts enables us to deliver a wide range of unique services that help you face complex challenges and manage change and adapt quickly to safeguard assets, systems, and people.

Asset Optimization

Component replacement and maintenance is often a major area of investment for energy companies. We ensure these investments result in cost-effective, safe, and reliable operations. Our team is here to guide you in making sound decisions about commissioning, maintenance and replacement of components and systems, with the goal of achieving maximum life expectancy.

Collaboration & Innovation

Collaboration is ingrained in our culture. We work hard to earn your trust and respect through teamwork. Our strength is our ability to bring together a wide variety of experts, across many disciplines to not only tackle challenges but also proactively consider their impact on the rest of the lifecycle.

Bucket truck deployed next to a power line
Workers performing tests in Kinectrics' mask testing facility
An open office with workers at their stations.
Closeup of a CANDU fuel bundle alongside textbook on a desk
Large skid full of machinery with identification tags
3D computer image of the Kinectrics calandria relief duct repair tool
A digital measuring instrument being used to gain accurate dimensions of a nuclear component
Forensics table featuring worn and burst pipes
Exterior photograph of Kinectrics' KJ facility
Radiation technician scanning a container filled with radioactive waste material